Friday, August 28, 2020



I wanted to make songs that made people feel good and that they would want to dance to, but with a darker, dreamlike vibe.

At first glance, KristinaX is an intimidating, gothic bombshell. However, that’s only one side of the L.A. singer-songwriter. The other side, Kristina Sedito, is one of the most friendly, humble, and approachable musicians we’ve ever had the privilege of chatting with. Likewise, her music may seem glossy and pretty on the surface, but her lyrics — and the hypnotizing synths underscoring them — hint at something else going on beneath.

Darkness Calling: Volume I presented listeners with KristinaX’s “Dream,” a pulsing track that could be a nightly favorite of some cyberpunk bar in the future. We couldn’t resist the urge to feature her again; Volume II includes “My Mind,” a song that’s perhaps more poppy but equally alluring. Once you hear it, good luck getting it out of your head.

KristinaX chatted with about her unique sound and how it’s already evolving. Read on below.


DARKNESS CALLING: Your music appeals to me because it's simultaneously dance-y and dark. Great combination. Can you tell me how much of that sound was influenced by you versus your producer and what your working relationship is like when developing these songs?

KRISTINAX: Dance-y and dark was definitely the sound and the vibe I was going for, so good call on that. You nailed it! I wanted to make songs that made people feel good and that they would want to dance to, but with a darker, dreamlike vibe — elements of pop and dance music, but with an edge that I wasn’t hearing that much in a lot of dance and pop music. I wanted to combine my favorite genres of music, so dance/pop with the darkness and almost futurism of darkwave/ synthwave; a lot of 80’s influences like New Order, Depeche Mode, and Human League mixed with pop and dance music like Berlin, Blondie, and Madonna.

I worked with three different producers over the past few years while recording music. My KristinaX EP was produced by Dan Physics who I met in NYC when I lived there. We were on the same page when it came to the sound of the tracks — both very into electro and industrial music. Some of the track instrumentals we collaborated on together in the studio, and I believe at least one track was his own track. “Just So Good,” for example, was a track that he had created himself. He played it for me, and I asked him if he would like me to add some lyrics and vocals to it. On the other tracks, we collaborated together in the studio.

Matt V. was a producer in L.A. We collaborated on “Dream” and “Echoes.”  “Dream” was already written by me; Matt created the music for it. For “Echoes,” we collaborated together in the studio. I had a vision for what I wanted the song to sound like. Matt helped me achieve that vision for the instruments on the track. I wrote all the lyrics and vocals.

Mitch Maanao produced the My Mind EP. Once again, we were on the same page musically. He was looking for a singer/songwriter to collaborate with on 80’s synthpop-influenced dance music. I always look for people to work with who I mesh well with stylistically. I think that is the most important thing to consider when looking for collaborators: similar vibes and influences. 

I always look for people to work with who I mesh well with stylistically. I think that is the most important thing to consider when looking for collaborators: similar vibes and influences.

DC: Can you tell me anything about ¡batDOG! RECORDS and what your experience has been like working with them?

KRISTINAX: Working with ¡batDOG! RECORDS has been great. Doc Gunn discovered me in the graveyard of dreams that is Craigslist. I was looking for creative outlets since I moved to L.A. from the East Coast, and he contacted me to ask if I wanted to try out for his punk band The Mother Vines. Once I heard the cultish vibes and ghoulish sounds, I was hooked. The next thing I knew, I was performing at the World-Famous Whisky a Go-Go. ¡batDOG! also helped me to create the music video for my electronic song “Electric Slaves.” [See below.]

Since the pandemic, I have been working with them on a new KristinaX project and album that has a more 60’s/indie rock/dream-pop feel with live instruments.


DC: Can you tell me about your past experiences as a singer or songwriter and how those projects are different from your current incarnation as "KristinaX?"

KRISTINAX: I’ve been in so many different music projects; it would take forever to talk about all of them. In 2005, I recorded a demo with Grammy-nominated producer John Custer which paved the way for a lot of future music projects I created and was a part of. I was in an alternative rock band called Seda in 2005-2006. People used to say I kind of sounded like a mix between Mazzy Star and Evanescence. We released an album on MySpace and it’s still on there if MySpace still even exists.

In NYC, I worked on electronic music with the above-mentioned producer, Dan Physics. I was also in a rock band called Roulette, working with producer Michael Barille. Two of the guitar players in my band went on later to play in Tower, a metal band. I was also in an acoustic duo called Galaxy League when I lived in North Carolina, before I moved to L.A.




DC: What can you tell us about the moniker “KristinaX” and why you chose it? Any relationship to Sneaker Pimps’ Becoming X, or am I reaching?

KRISTINAX: KristinaX was my first Yahoo! e-mail account name. It just kind of stuck since no one can ever remember how to spell or even pronounce my real last name, which is Sedito. No relation to Sneaker Pimps, although I’ve always been a fan.

DC: I know you have participated in live events with groups like The Mother Vines, but have you done any live performances with your solo act? If not, are there any plans to see what that might look like?

KRISTINAX: I have done some live performances as KristinaX at the California Institute of Abnormal Arts and The Lexington. I’ve also done a lot of private parties. Since COVID-19, most live music venues have been closed in L.A., so that has made it challenging to perform. But once they open back up, I will be setting up some more live shows. I am also going to start incorporating some live instruments to my set, like some live bass and synths. I feel like shows are more dynamic when adding live instruments to the set.

DC: This has been great. Thanks again so much for participating. What can you tell us about your upcoming music or next projects?

KRISTINAX: I plan on doing another music video for one or more of my electronic songs, quite possibly “Dream” or “My Mind.” Once live music venues open up, I plan on playing more shows with live instruments. As I mentioned earlier, I am currently recording a new indie rock album in the dream-pop genre with 60’s influences. Some of the songs have been described as having “psychedelic western” vibes. Stay tuned.

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