Saturday, August 22, 2020


In this loneliness of ours, we share the same stars.

If you’re not familiar with The Sea At Midnight, now is the perfect time to jump onboard. The post-punk outfit just unleashed its first music video for the bouncy, romantic single “We Share The Same Stars.” And we mean romantic in the best way possible — in the same way that The Cure’s “Pictures of You” is simultaneously hopeful, dreamy, and painful: creating a sort of “butterflies in the stomach” feeling that can’t be resolved.

The song was recorded in LA with Chris King of Cold Showers at the helm as producer. Brandon Pierce of Glaare provided additional drum programming. Otherwise, The Sea At Midnight is the baby of Vince Grant, a singer/songwriter whose voice conveys a sense of yearning that’s hard to fake.

To learn more about “We Share The Same Stars” and its new video, spoke with Vince Grant for this exclusive “Inter-Review.”


DARKNESS CALLING: What can you tell us about the production and inspiration behind “We Share The Same Stars?”

VINCE GRANT: The video was made by LA artist Paige Emery. It was entirely her concept and production. I had very little to do with it. Before Paige started the project, we briefly discussed the creative direction, and I basically told her I didn't have anything specific in mind. I suggested she check out my social media pages and the covers of the previous singles to get a feel for my vibe.

A couple of days after talking, she sent me a thirty second clip and asked if I liked the look and where it was headed. She said she didn't want to go further down that path if I wasn't feeling it, but I loved it!  I told her I trusted her instincts and to just go for it.

When she sent me the video after it was finished, I think I had two very small notes and it was done. I couldn't be happier with the way it turned out, and that's all due to Paige. She's incredibly talented and has a fantastic artistic vision.

For me, the song brought back memories of being in a long distance relationship and looking up at the sky, finding comfort and warmth in the fact that we were experiencing the same sky, even if thousands of miles apart. I incorporated many different window views of the sky in the video, not only for the literal sense of experiencing the stars from different places, but also in the metaphorical sense of windows being a gateway for dreams.

DC: What made you decide to use this particular single for the first music video, as compared to one of your earlier singles like “Medicine”?

[Editor’s note: See our playlist to hear “Medicine” — It’s the first track!]

VG: I had already released four previous singles this year without videos. Then I hired Shauna McClarnon of Shameless Promotions PR as my publicist to help with the release of the last few singles and eventual album release. I sent her the tracks that had not been released yet so she could decide what should be the possible singles. "We Share The Same Stars" was one of the songs she thought would make a good candidate, and we decided to go with that one for the first [major] single. She also strongly recommended that whatever singles I released prior to the album should have accompanying videos, so that was how "We Share The Same Stars" ended up as the first song with a video. 


DC: Do you have any other videos planned as we move closer to your album release? And do you anticipate having a performance element in any of your future videos, or is that something you’d like to keep separate from the visual element of your work?

VG: Yes, there will be at least one other video before the album release. As a matter of fact, Paige is currently creating one for another single that's currently slated for release in September. With the single set for a September release, she had to start working on it well over a month ago while we were still in the midst of quarantine. Due to COVID, you can't assemble a film crew to shoot any type of performance video, so this one will be another artistic interpretation of the song via Paige's vision and without any performance aspect. I've seen the video in various stages, and I'm really excited. It looks amazing.

DC: Is there a definitive release date yet for your first full-length album?

VG: The album will definitely be out in the fall. We're honing in on an actual release date and should have a more definitive date picked out soon.

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