Friday, September 11, 2020



I would be lying if I said I wasn’t intimidated by covering a band like Joy Division.

We featured Blood Handsome last week, but as is the case with many of our favorite artists, we had to do it again. This Friday, we’ve decided to showcase his ominously beautiful “Atmosphere,” a cover of the Joy Division classic.

Blood Handsome mastermind Gerren Reach was kind enough to chat with us about the challenges of covering such an iconic song. We also discussed his new music video for “Love Lost,” as well as his plans for the future.

Read on to learn more. 


DARKNESS CALLING: Thanks again for chatting with us! I did a little digging before this interview and saw that your real name is apparently Gerren Reach, is that right? That's a really cool fucking name, man [Laughs]. With a name like that, you may not need the "Blood Handsome" moniker, though that's a cool project name, as well. How did the moniker come about, and what led you to use it?

BLOOD HANDSOME: Yeah [Laughs]. That's my birth name. You're actually not the first to say that. It's funny, because the Blood Handsome name came about only because I needed a stage name for an upcoming show, and I had already used all the other ones that I really liked for previous projects or now-defunct bands. 

DARKNESS CALLING: You recently released a deluxe version of Rituals with bonus tracks. We featured "Atmosphere" on this week's playlist. It's a very faithful cover of the Joy Division classic, but it also has a Blood Handsome stamp on it, as well. What was the process like of recording and releasing this cover? Is there a lot of behind-the-scenes maneuvering involved in commercially releasing a Joy Division cover?

BLOOD HANDSOME: I would be lying if I said I wasn't intimidated by covering a band like Joy Division. They shaped so much of my musical taste and sound as an influence. I enjoy challenging myself, though, and didn't want to take away from the beauty of the original song itself. I just wanted to make my version: a very minimal take on the song. I think Ian Curtis' lyrics are so strong in that song, so I wanted them to be the main focus. I am glad people latched onto the cover the way they did.

As far as the behind-the-scenes stuff, luckily Cleopatra Records had already released some of Joy Division’s catalog, so they facilitated that whole part of the process, which I am very thankful for. I don't think that cover would have ever come about without them. Thankful for them and the opportunity.




DARKNESS CALLING: Love your video for "Love Lost." Can you share any insights into the making of the video? Was the footage shot pre-pandemic or mid-pandemic?

BLOOD HANDSOME: Thank you so much. A very close friend of mine (NYC-based filmmaker Luke LeCount) and I had been bouncing ideas back and forth for a while. He's someone I trust completely with my visual process. Our styles and concepts always seem to pair together so well.

One night while on the phone discussing, he presented me with the idea of doing this crazy point-of-view music video from the perspective of someone roaming the streets in the early hours of the A.M. after an intoxicating night out in NYC. He recruited William Breen (another filmmaker based in NYC) and Daniel Mandall, and they knocked it out... and really delivered. I don't want to give away too much. If you haven't seen it yet, please go watch for yourself!

It was shot mid-pandemic, so although it made it easier to get away with filming in locations, safety was something you had to account for. If you pay close attention to the subway shots, you can tell how eerily empty the NYC subways are compared to normal. 


I like to stay busy or I go crazy.

DARKNESS CALLING: I've heard rumblings that you're already working on a new album. What can you tell us about this project? Is it going in a different direction from what your listeners are used to?

BLOOD HANDSOME: Yeah, already working on material for the next record. I like to stay busy or I go crazy [Laughs]. This next record is going to be much more dialed-in. I think I've found my sweet spot, and I want to keep pushing things in that direction. If you like the new songs added to the Deluxe Version of Rituals, then I really think you'll like what's next...

DARKNESS CALLING: What else is going on in Blood Handsome world? Any other side projects or livestreams in the works?

BLOOD HANDSOME: I've got some livestreams I'm doing this month [Info below].

DARKNESS CALLING: Well, thank you very much for taking the time to do this. I look forward to whatever comes next!

BLOOD HANDSOME: Thanks for chatting with me. It's been nice!

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