Friday, December 4, 2020



I thought I was crazy for releasing a song in April called ‘Majesty Disease’ during a time where everyone was staying inside and scared to go out.

Control I’m Here is a mysterious project with an even more mysterious lead single, the infectious “Majesty Disease.”

According to the project’s Bandcamp page, Control I’m Here is based in Louisville, Kentucky, and the one-man band (or is it?) has one goal: “to make thought-provoking and danceable music for friends and fans of the genre.”

Well, I’d certainly say they’ve accomplished this goal. What I dig the most about this project is the fact that “Majesty Disease” is not afraid of its own pop roots. Instead, it leans into them, even if there is a menacing, bizarre quality to the whole thing. All in all, it’s a catchy yet disturbing track, and as the curator of the Darkness Calling playlist, what more could I ask for?

As usual, I needed to know more. Read on below!



DARKNESS CALLING: Thanks for chatting with us! Is “Majesty Disease” your debut release? Control I’m Here sounds very polished for a first release. Can you tell us about any musical projects you were involved in leading up to this point?

CONTROL I’M HERE: First, thanks for your time interviewing me!

Yes. “Majesty Disease” is the first single I've released under the moniker Control I'm Here. It's actually one of the newer tracks I've worked on. All the ideas felt really natural, and it definitely shows the perspective my mindset had at the time. I've released music for other projects that have since been disbanded or are still alive. I've worked with darkwave, post-punk, and metal musicians for several years. Since joining the Hush Club team, I've taken on anonymity as a persona and do not wish to divulge my other artistic projects. In this artistic experiment, I remove any identity of self. I let the music speak for itself. It's a product of not only me, but of other people I work with as well.

In this artistic experiment, I remove any identity of self. I let the music speak for itself.

DARKNESS CALLING: What was the writing/production process like on this song in particular?

CONTROL I’M HERE: “Majesty Disease” was created purely in my bedroom right before the start of the US COVID pandemic. The song started as an instrumental track, and then I used an Audio Spectrum DJM618 microphone for the vocals. Being a Skinny Puppy fan, I added the typical effects: compression, distortion, and reverb to the vocals to give it that signature sound that has always inspired me.

The song was originally intended as an anthem against deception from the very people you once trusted, but once COVID hit the States, it took on an entirely different feel for me. I thought I was crazy for releasing a song in April called “Majesty Disease” during a time where everyone was staying inside and scared to go out. Now, the song has changed in my mind and has some deeper meanings behind it: the dangers of irresponsible journalism infecting our minds and a revolt against institutions that are not out for one's best interest. It's amazing how a song can change over time, or how you can hear it from a different point of view or perspective.



DARKNESS CALLING: Can you share with us some of your influences? I love how your track has an undeniable darkness to it, but also a certain amount of fun or playfulness that calls to mind something like Pretty Hate Machine.

CONTROL I’M HERE: Control I'm Here has tons of influences. The name comes from the title of my favorite Nitzer Ebb song. It's funny that you mentioned Pretty Hate Machine because Nine Inch Nails was one of my favorite bands growing up, and I'm truly inspired by the albums The Downward Spiral and Pretty Hate Machine. The Downward Spiral is honestly one of my favorite albums of all time — thematically, lyrically, and aesthetically. It spoke directly to me as a youth of what industrial music could be as an art form.

I've always loved dark music, but always have tried to incorporate danceability into everything I produce. If you ask people who know me, I am a percussion and bass minded person. Some of my other influences are Leather Strip, Revolting Cocks, Front 242, Tears for Fears, and even some old Madonna. I love all kinds of music. All of it has shaped me in some way.


DARKNESS CALLING: What’s next for Control I’m Here? Are there more singles or an album in the works?

CONTROL I’M HERE: In addition to producing music, I work as a video editor as well. Most recently, Control I'm Here just finished editing and filming a performance video for Blood Handsome. It will be featured on Luna Negra's International Virtual Goth Festival starting December 19th on twitch. This is the third performance video I've worked with Gerren on. He's a great friend and artist.

Musically, Control I'm Here is recording a 5 song EP for Hush Club Ltd called Harder. Additionally, I will also be producing two songs for Blood Handsome's next album on Cleopatra Records. Last year, Blood Handsome reached out to me at the end of 2019 about doing a tour in January 2020. I said yes, and we had a blast playing shows with Bedroom Wounds, Glyphics, The Mourning, and others. After playing the tour, we've been working hard together on Hush Club Ltd releases and content. We are super excited about what's to come. I can't wait to share more of my music with you in the very near future!

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